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Monday, December 18, 2017

Changing business model - BMI innovation

New ideas create better quality of life and wealth

Rizal Philippines
December 18, 2017

Last Saturday, I was discussing with an Engineer, a mechanical engineer, who heads the sales group in Northern and central Luzon (they are engaged in sales of systems concerning refrigeration).  He said that it is no longer a question of doing things right but thinking outside the box.  Of being creative and disruptive.   Of going beyond the process.

They had a problem with the customer who disliked  what they were doing.  And this stemmed from lack of understanding what the customer wanted (QFD tool would have solved this; prevented)

A company can not grow using the methods and strategy of what they were doing successfully before;   Customer wants and needs change.  Business dynamics change.

Some examples

1.  A food company would like to grow using only the manufactured here only mindset.  But a leading food company grows by outsourcing, ie pooling together food producers, marketing their products with theirs using their brand;

    You have to innovate the competitors perception but instead make them your partners

2.  A condo maker, confronted with growing inventories of unsold units, rents out unsold units with option to buy, to those who cant afford the hefty d/p, monthly but who can pay market rates for lodging purposes;

New ideas from scrap and trash

New ideas create better quality of life and wealth

These were observed as Christmas decors of a municipal building in the next town.  Very creative and well done

Nice di ba....

                                                       Christmas tree from Mt. Dew
                                                            plastic empty

                                                       Flowers from whole bottles
                                                             and those split with petals

                                                           Chandelier from large
                                                           mineral water containers