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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

NU 10 #3 by Rosalyn P. Donato (appointment apps)

NU 10 #3 CLINIC APPOINTMENT APP by Rosalyn P. Donato

The Background:
Setting an appointment for a medical consultation is always a hassle and could be time consuming especially if one is trying to call the trunk line of the hospital. In this era of connectivity through the different media platforms, developing an appointment scheduler application will prove to be very convenient for both patients and doctors. Both can manage their time well thereby promoting efficiency in the delivery of service making both parties happy.
How the Innovation will work: 

A company will solicit the participation of the doctors who wish to be included in the data base of the app. Doctors should supply all the relevant data to their medical practice especially real time appointment schedule. Once an app is developed and offered free of service through the IOS and Android operating systems of the different gadgets, patients or relatives can access the online services of the different doctors enrolled in the application.

Gains from the Innovation:
Having an app in one's gadget will facilitate the setting of a medical appointment schedule to one's doctor through the fingertips so to speak. It may seem a small gesture but it gives convenience to both patients and doctors because time can be managed well for both of them. The app will feature the announcement of doctors' unavailability on certain dates due to conferences and other scheduled activities, thereby avoiding unnecessary travels by patients to the clinic saving time and money.  Additionally, the app will also be a marketing opportunity for doctors to create awareness of his medical practice. Efficiency in the delivery of service will be the most important benefit and it can in one way or another alleviate the suffering of the patients.
Implementation of the Innovation: 
Doctors will be encouraged to enroll in the database of a particular managing company that hosts the app with a minimal membership fee. Relevant information about the doctor especially the real time clinic appointment scheduler can be accessed through the app. The host server will link up the doctors' system to the app so that it will be real time. Initial information of the patient can already be filled up when setting the appointment online so that by the time the patient gets to the clinic, he/she is ready to be seen by the doctor minimizing waiting time. Overall, this system creates efficiency of service.    4

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