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Monday, May 30, 2016

MedEntrep NU 10 by Entrepreneur Taguba, Katrina

Entrepreneur: Katrina Louise M. Taguba

<Hi Dra.  Nice concepts, new ideas.  Please detail po the new ideas, the background - what is the problem that the new ideas are trying to solve, what are the pains, what pisses you off;  What can be the gain.  Please detail the features, or what they will do for the customers/beneficiary.   You can detail them one by one for each idea per session.  Nice ideas though. If possible, please detail how and if they can be done>
NU 10
1.     Vendo machine that dispenses mini toiletries: small soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, facial wash, sanitary napkin, razor, small isopropyl alcohol, small lotion, shampoo, mouth wash
2.     A bookstore that buys and sells and rents out used current edition high school books, college books, medschool books, law books, etc.
3.     Home-based cleaning service 
4.     Errand service—Example: will cover books (especially now that school is starting), change your beddings, water your plants, etc.
5.     Foldable lightweight baby/toddler stroller that can fit into a standard-sized backpack
6.     Bottled Fresh Tanglad, Ginger lemon juice
7.     Baby/toddler shoes that are adjustable in size up to 3 sizes so it won't be outgrown so fast!
8.     Upcycled old tires – made into furnitures
9.     A watch that has tracker and microphone so 2-4 people can communicate – especially useful for parents tracking their children
10. DVD series of revised and updated Philippine history with basic exam questions per series or class activity.  An effective way to teach a subject that is standardized across the nation.  Local government just needs to procure a TV and DVD player.  Solves the problem of wrong data in books and lack of teachers. Can also be applied to other subjects like Science, supplement to Math (ex. Singapore math can be introduced), etc.

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