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Sunday, October 13, 2013

What is LIFI technology (vs WIFI)?


I just watched on the TV the BBC feature on Create, Innovate, its feature on LIFI, another alternative and solution to crowded broadband at WIFI.  Lifi uses light vs rf of WIFI.  It uses LED light, a semiconductor that can turn on and off at billionths of a second (nanosecond) and thus gives it a capacity of 1 Gigabit vs. traditional wifi that peaks at 100 mbits.

It is a major breakthrough for the connected community and internet community that rely on wireless broadband connection.  It a product of 4 years of research at University of Versailles and conform to WIFI 802.11 Standards

Others say as BBC that it was discovered at Scotland by Martin Dawson and Harold Haas, in Universtiy of Strathclyde ,

A variety of LEDs



Your LED tv, lamp, could double as internet connection from Extreme Tech

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