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Friday, December 6, 2013

How To Profit from many new IT ideas, motivation and management tips

Here are some great ideas from Thriving business regarding IT, leadership, social media, management, marketing and motivation


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December 1 - December 7, 2013

Here are the top 10 things you MUST know this week:
1. How To Use Google Analytics To Create Killer Content

For any business owner, regardless of size, understanding your customers is key to longevity and marketing success. Why? Because when you understand the needs of your customers, you will understand and meet the needs of your business. One tool in particular, Google Analytics, can help you better understand your customers and improve your marketing efforts. In the article above, features writer Danny Brown describes in detail how you can use Google Analytics to help you with things such as brand awareness, lead generation, customer retention, and most importantly – killer content.

2. This Dock Turns Your iPhone Into A Bedside Lamp

As you probably already know, the iPhone has several functions. One of its functions is that it can serve as a flashlight, eliminating the need for a flashlight – assuming of course, your phone has enough battery. Raw Edges Design Studio, a London-based design team, has created a few simplistic stands that use the iPhone and its flash to create a makeshift lamp. The designs, which were recently showed at the London Design Festival, incorporate materials such as suction cups and rubber to create simple yet modern-looking stands. To find out more about Raw Edges Design Studio and its designs, check out the article above from Eva Recinos.

3. How You Can Win At Social Media Right Now

How would YOU like it if you could gain followers and raise awareness of your brand on social media? Luckily for you, the article above from staff writer Kate Taylor tells you more about a report that explains how several companies have been able to brand their business successfully on social media.

4. Why You're Not A Leader

Everybody thinks they're a leader at something, but the actual reality is that most of us are far from it. The harsh reality is that we live in a world full of wannabe leaders. So, why don't you d yourself a favor. Check out the article above from Forbes contributor Mike Myatt so you know if you're a leader or not.

5. Subject Lines That Command Reader Attention

When trying to engage email recipients, you need to have subject lines that grab the reader's attention or offer an immediate benefit to them. Otherwise, your emails will be deleted or never be opened. In the infographic above, Digital Marketer gives you some advice on subject lines that will help you be well on your way to creating subject lines that grab people's attention and thus boost your email opens and conversions.

6. The Best Tools For Note Taking At Meetings And Conferences

If you're like me, you attend a lot of conferences and workshops. And at these conferences and workshops, you take a lot of notes via notebook, computer, phone, and so on. The question I've always wondered, and I'm sure you've wondered it, too, is "what is the best tool for note taking?" Well, in the article above, Duct Tape Marketing Founder John Jantsch gives you a list he came up with in regards to note taking tools people use during meetings, conferences, workshops, etc.

7. How We Acquired 100K Early Bird Signups With ZERO Marketing Budget

In the article above, Kseniya Maksimova, a marketing manager at RealtimeBoard, explains how RealtimeBoard grew from 0 to 100k signups in 10 months – spending ZERO on marketing.

8. 10 Do's And Don'ts For Using Stock Photos In Your Marketing

As you probably already know, stock photos can get real expensive quickly, especially if you're going to use them everywhere. But, despite their cost, stock photos can benefit you greatly. They can add visually interesting and compelling content to your marketing, they can be pretty quick visual content solutions in a pinch, and they can take out some of the design or outsourced photography you might have needed to build into your budget. In the article above, Hubspot's social media manager Brittany Leaning created a SlideShare presentation that shows you a few do's and don'ts for using stock photos in your marketing.

9. Christmas Marketing Ideas For 2013

Believe it or not, Christmas is just a few weeks away. And with Christmas comes the one time on the calendar where there is an onslaught of consumers primed to spend their hard-earned money. And, because of this fact, it is the best time of year for businesses like yours and mine to maximize our sales. In the article above, Ryan Christie gives you some marketing ideas that any business can use to make their holiday sales that much merrier.

10. 10 Ways To Motivate Anyone

Have you ever wondered how to keep your employees inspired and productive? In the article above, Emergenetics International founder Geil Browning gives you advice that can help you maximize your employees' enthusiasm, which in turn can help keep your workforce aligned and moving in the same direction.

(This issue was written by staff reporter Steven Ward.)
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Jorge U. Saguinsin
To "be the best, do your best, expect the best" always

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