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Friday, February 7, 2014

NU 5 R Clavecillas - Induction Table for Laptop and Cellphone charging

<![if !vml]><![endif]>table                                      
Name: Ramey S. Clavecillas
AGSB – Iloilo
Feb 7, 2014
NU 5
                It has been a pactice during group meetings that we prepare a lot of extension cords to accommodate cellphone needed to be charged. Its quite annoying you see a lot of wires not to mention the wire for each cellphone that connects to the extension cords. In a safety point of view this is very hazardous considering that a lot of dangling wires can cause electrical fault or worst electrical fire. IAs such , I’m proposing that a table with capacitive inductor that can immediately charge laptop and cellphones when placed  on the table. This will definitely replace the old age cords from this new technology.  4

Ramey S. Clavecillas
Supply Chain
Coca-Cola FEMSA Philippines


Ungka 2, Pavia, Iloilo

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