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Saturday, February 8, 2014

NU6-5 - Smart Window Glass by Terence Uygongco AGSB Iloilo

Smart Window Glass - Terence Uygongco / AGSB-ILOILO

In countries that have extreme temperature ranges like in Australia or Middle East, the temperatures can range 30 centigrade in a day.  They can have 40C day and drops to 10C at night.  The air conditioning and heating cost would surely be enormous for countries that doesn't have source of fuel oil.  During daytime, they need to blast their air conditioning to make the office buildings workable.  The same during night time where they would turn on the heater.

Buildings glass windows are the source of temperature changes, when it is hot outside, the heat could go in the building and increases the temperature.  the same would happen during night time.  The smart window glass would change colour to reflect or absorb heat.  during daytime, it changes colour to reflect heat and changes also during night time to absorb heat.  The natural blocking and absorbing of heat could save the electricity cost of the building operation.

A sample glass window/door changing colour is included.  4

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