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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

NU6 by Jopet Pineda AGSB Clark - Translation Apps for schoolchildren

Hi Prof. Jorge,
Below is my NU6.
Many Filipino parents nowadays encourage their children to use English as their primary language to help their children adopt easily when they enter school. However, this led to many children having difficulty understanding and speaking Filipino and their local dialects. These children face a great deal of challenge when they study the subject of Filipino and Araling Panlipunan which is also taught in Filipino. They encounter difficulty reading and understanding Filipino literary works and grammar. To help them understand Filipino better, it would greatly help if there is a phone, tablet and a pc application where students can take a picture of their lessons in Filipino from their textbooks and convert the picture into a Word document. Once converted into a Word document, the application can help the student translate each Filipino word to English so they can understand what they are reading. This can be done by highlighting the words then the application shows the English translation without opening another translator application to check the meaning of the words. This would help the students understand and familiarize themselves with Filipino words and how they are used faster. The application would need a Filipino language expert to come up with a complete list of Filipino words and phrases with their English equivalent unlike most translation apps which are very limited. If the reading material is already in electronic form, my suggested application would also do the same of enabling the student to translate the Filipino words/phrases. The application also has an option to translate English or Filipino words to local dialects so the users can easily communicate in local dialect especially when they go to different provinces in the country with different dialects. 4

Thanks and regards.

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