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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

NU12 - Entrep - Mendejar - Food Track (food store along the riles)

Food Track

A fellow Entrep student in class mentioned a Food Truck in one of our sessions and I instantly recalled where I saw one.  It's an emerging business that is slowly becoming mainstream and I made sure to mention this to my fiancee.  When I was telling her about the Food Truck, she misheard me and thought I was talking about a Food Track.  

A Food Track she imagines this would be similar to a railroad track.  You have several stalls spread thru a lane and you have a makeshift train which loads passengers ala-MRT/LRT station to station depending on what cuisine or type of food a consumer wants.  You need a medium sized lot to begin with to build the railroad track as a start.  Once the track is in place and a back and forth route has been determined, you need to select the stalls that you wish to be included in your Food Track.  You may advertise the food track or have franchises approach you to be included.  These may be simple kiosks  (eg. master siomai) or a bigger stall maybe andoks/chooks-to-go.  All in all, once you've completed your track and determined the stalls that would be selling the food, you can now invite customers/passengers to ride your Food Track.  4

By Jaime Mendejar

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