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Saturday, November 30, 2013

NU12#7 K12+Entrep by Ed Vargas

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From: Ed Vargas <>

NU12#7 K12+Entrep

By Ed Vargas

"K plus 12" aims to make basic education sufficient enough so that anyone who graduates can be gainfully employed and have a productive life. The K+12 Education plan is said to add one more year on both primary and secondary levels plus kindergarten. While I laud this initiative of the government, I believe it is not enough if we are to leap-frogged as a nation in terms of development and prosperity. The K+12 objective is still to be gainfully employed after graduation which is no different from what our parents (and the parents before them) taught us that for us to have a bright future we have to earn a degree. I believe that the entrepreneurial spirit should be ingrained in the minds of the students while still in their formative years so that the motivation to graduate is not to be gainfully employed but to become innovative, creative, competitive and creative businessmen and employers. Imagine our future generations graduating high school with entrepreneurial spirit, we become a nation of entrepreneurs. Then will see a blossoming of innovation, creation and invention that would bring about development and progress. Today, entrepreneurship is taught mainly in college or just one of the subjects in MBA – that may be too late. So let's make it a notch higher, include in the curriculum of primary and secondary levels the fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship. K12+Entrep!  4

Prof Jorge Saguinsin


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