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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Robot tells you if you stink too much and other new ideas from Thriving Business

New Ideas from Thriving business.

Here are a number of tips that can perk up your business:

1.  Use of SEO (what is that?)

2.  Apple apps for iphone

3  BO detector

4.  Starting a foundation

5.  8 Productivity tips

Check out this post on Rambutan trees heavily laden with fruits

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From: Thriving Business <>
Date: Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 1:30 AM
Subject: Robot tells you if you stink too much

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  July 21 - July 27, 2013

Here are the top 10 things you MUST know this week:
1. Do You Stink? This Robot Will Tell You

If you're getting ready to go on a date, job interview, or business meeting you probably want to make sure you don't stink. Luckily for you, Japanese company CrazyLabo teamed up with Kitakyushu National College of Technology to build a robot that can tell you how bad your odor is. This goes to show that there are still many things that can be innovated in today's world. To find out more about this smelling robot, read the article above from Discovery News.


2. Apple Patent Could Make iPhone Cases Obsolete

A new Apple invention could make iPhone cases a thing of the past. The "Protective Mechanism for an Electronic Device" would identify when a phone is falling and adjust its center of mass to control its landing. You probably won't see this invention anytime soon, but you have to admit it's still a pretty cool concept regardless of whether Apple finishes or doesn't finish the invention.

3. 3 Simple (And Free) SEO Tips

With all the updates Google has had to its algorithms in recent years, it can be hard to understand how SEO works and receive any significant sales in the few first months. Luckily for you, there are SEO tips that can push you in the right direction. In the article above, Mayra Jimenez gives you a few of these SEO tips that can not only push you in the right direction, but also help you increase your traffic and sales once you understand how to use them.

4. 3 Unusual Cures For Boring Headlines

Throughout your entire life, you've read your fair share of headline posts. Some of them good, some of them OK, and some of them just plain sucked. In the article above, you'll find out how to write a headline that is unique and successful. 

5. Why Analytics Are Important To Your Business

While you're growing your business, you need to make sure you're marketing performance. Otherwise, you're not going to know what is and isn't working for you and your business. In the article above, KISSmetrics reached out to several marketers who talk about what they think about analytics and why it's important.

6. Three Ways To Upgrade Your YouTube Channel

Because of Youtube's changes to subscription services, channel banners, and tagging, it is becoming almost impossible to ignore the impact they could have on a business. In the video above, Digital Marketer's Joel Owens talks to you more about Youtube's recent changes and how you can take advantage of them.

7. How To Start A Foundation

While making a ton of money and living the life you've always dreamed of is rewarding, there are other things you can do that are not only rewarding to you, but to others as well. One of these rewarding things you can do for others is to start your own non-profit foundation. In the article above, Entrepreneur contributor Gwen Moran gives you several important steps to take when starting your own foundation.

8. Productivity: 8 Things You Should Not Do Every Day

If you're someone who gets decent value from making to-do lists, perhaps you should make a not to-do list as well so your productivity, happiness, and relationships are that much better. In the article above, Jeff Haden shares the things you should make a commitment to not do in your day.

9. Jane Goodall Apologizes For Plagiarizing Wikipedia

In today's age, it is easier than ever to research and copy and paste entire sentences without second thought. This seems to be the case with noted author and naturalist Jane Goodall. In March, she was forced to apologize after a Washington Post investigation found that her latest book contained more than a dozen passages copied from various websites, including Wikipedia. This goes to show that because of the Internet and its ability to access information, it is easy for anyone in today's age to just simply copy and paste information and claim it as their own.

10. World's Coolest Offices

The post above is from Inc. and it is a list of 20 offices that are some of the world's best designed and most awe-inspiring. Check them out for yourself and see!

(This issue was written by staff reporter Steven Ward, with input from Denise Gosnell and Jynell Berkshire.)
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